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Public Tickets

hurtowniadachow Offer and cart   B2BKing Support   Updated 2 hours ago   2 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi there, If I understand correctly, you would like it so that when a customer sends a quote request, the cart is not emptied? It should be possible to achieve this by adding the following PHP code sn ... Julien Export tiered prices CSV with SKU instead of Product ID   B2BKing Support   Updated 2 hours ago   5 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi again, What are you using for that import, is it the WooCommerce Importer tool? or our plugin's own importer tool? Normally it should work to either enter the price directly with a comma (e.g. ... loranz Unable to Include "Pending for Approval" Orders in Export   B2BKing Support   Updated 21 hours ago   2 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi there, I understand that you are using the "order approval" feature where a subaccount places an order for approval, And I understand you are looking to also show these orders in the backend admin ... DEJAN TUBIC B2B King doesnt work   B2BKing Support   Updated 2 days ago   4 Most recent comment from DEJAN TUBIC:Hello Stefan it didn't work. here is log in info:Log In ‹ 東欧ワイン通販 — WordPressusername: adriajppasword: m3ApgiQ682g$R7w2(SABK)LTBest regards, Dejan Spencer Manage Order for Subagent   SalesKing Support   Updated 2 days ago   1 Most recent comment from Spencer:Hi there,Normally, when an agent clicks 'Manage Order' on their dashboard for their customer orders, it goes to the backend of WP where they can see order information.However, when an agent ...