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Public Tickets

Gilbert Company Order Approval invoice   B2BKing Support   Updated 23 hours ago   4 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Thank you for the clarifications,(1) Subaccounts are not really built for this. There are a few different challenges here, such as having 2 different invoices on the same order. I think using subacco ... Eana Get commission on Cancelled and Refunded orders   MarketKing Support   Updated 23 hours ago   5 Most recent comment from Eana:Hi WebWizard,I see. Yes, we are testing existing orders that were added before the code was added.We tested it now with new orders and is now working.Thanks for your help.Kind Regard Aben How to control the sort of bulk order form   B2BKing Support   Updated 1 day ago   3 Most recent comment from Aben:Hi Stefan, thank you for your reply. about sort, it's really hard to use "automatic". The reason I want to sort by post time is to keep being identical with the shop page, the newly posted items ... Kenneth Subaccounts Order Approval   B2BKing Support   Updated 2 days ago   1 Most recent comment from Kenneth:Is there any way we can have one subaccount to approve orders from other subaccounts? I know the parent account can approve orders from the subaccount,  but I'm looking for a way to have more t ... Joanna Net 30, Net 60 Terms   B2BKing Pre-Sales Questions   Updated 3 days ago   2 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hello Joanna,Thank you for getting in touch,Generally B2BKing adds only a single invoice payment method ( https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/invoice-payment-gateway/ ), that can be set to "Net ...