  Public Ticket #2505354
Login and registration


  • Douglas started the conversation

    I noticed that there is a feature to restrict the site with the login, but I would like to know how to restrict access with login and registration, always forcing the customer to register or login. I also know that there are login and redemption codes, but how to force this initially so that it is the first thing to appear, be the customer's only door?

  •  2,136
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Douglas,

    Thank you very much for your purchase,

    I think the best way to restrict the site is through the "Hide shop & products" in Guest Access Restriction. This option hides products, and instead shows a registration+login panel (to show the registration panel, you need this option enabled in WooCommerce->Settings->Accounts: https://prnt.sc/tzwp6l ).

    The "hide website / force login" option doesn't support registration. That option is only for intranets / private communities where the admin gives the user the credentials directly.

    My suggestion would be to use the "hide shop & products" option.

    Would that work for you?

    Kind Regards,
