  Public Ticket #2508774
tax calculation on shipping


  • Abdullah started the conversation


    I'm using the B2BKing Plugin for a B2B/B2C Hyprid shop. 

    For my B2C customers the tax calculation on the shipping costs work.

    For my B2B customers it doesn't calculate any taxes  for the shipping costs. I need the system to add taxes on shipping costs.

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Abdullah and Thank you for purchasing our plugin,

    1) Which plugin version are you using? there have been some additions to this: for example taxes for shipping have been added to tax exemptions and to the "add tax" rules in recent plugin versions. Please make sure you have the latest version installed (currently 2.0.0)

    2) What is your tax setup? do you have any b2bking dynamic rules for tax, such as tax exemption? Please give me some details about your setup

    Kind Regards,


  • Abdullah replied

    Hi, how can install the latest Version? It doesn't show that there are new versions available.

    My version attached. 

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Good morning,

    You would have to manually download the latest version from Envato. 

    1) Download the plugin, 2) deactivate the existing plugin version, 3) upload and activate the new version

    If you can give me more details also about your tax/dynamic rule setup/b2bking setup, I'd like to help you get this issue fixed.

    Thank you,


  • Abdullah replied


    i updated the latest version. 

    Attached you'll find my dynamic rule.

    my goal: if the cart total is 10€, and the shipping cost is 2€ and my tax is 10% than it should show

    cart - 10€

    shiping - 2€

    taxes 1,20€

    total: 13,20€

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied


    Dynamic rule looks ok, but I think you should have 10% for shipping tax, not 16%

    Can you please send me a screenshot of your Cart page? (I want to see what the subtotals look like)

    Have you created a "Flat Rate" shipping method costing 2€?

    Thank you.

  • Abdullah replied

    attached you'll find an actual cart.

    • cart - 1,64€
    • shipping per DHL - 4,22
    • Tax (MwSt. De) - 1,08€
    • Total: 7,81€

    This should be the result with 16% Tax:

    • cart - 1,64€
    • shipping per DHL - 4,22 €
    • Tax (MwSt. De) - 0,94€
    • Total: 6,80€

    --> calculation: 1,64€ + 4,22 = 5,86€

    --> 5,86€ * 16% Tax = 6,80€

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    I understand the issue.

    I tried to replicate this myself:
    1) I created a product with price 1.90 and 16% tax rate
    2) I add a tax exemption like in your settings
    3) Works correctly in my test: https://prnt.sc/u24kgi

    I have 2 suggestions for how we can proceed:

    1) If you can replicate the issue here: https://demo.woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/wp-admin/ great, just tell me what settings to use to see this issue and I will fix it

    2) The other option is to send me a temporary login to your site, so I can check exactly what is happening in your site: maybe there is some problem, some plugin conflict, etc I can look in the code step-by-step to see where the calculation error happens and why.

    Thank you,


  •   Abdullah replied privately
  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Sorry but this doesn't seem to give me admin access.

    When accessing wp-admin I am redirected to my account in WooCommerce

    If I access the b2bking settings page directly, I get: https://prnt.sc/u25a6y (you are not authorized to access this page)

  • Abdullah replied

    hmm it works on my end.

    can you register as a normal user and i give you admin rights afterwards?

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Sure, I have created a user: woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com 

    email is contact@woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com

  • Abdullah replied

    ok, now you are wordpress admin and B2B customer.

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Thank you. It is working now. Let me look at this issue and I will update you soon in the next hours when I have an answer about what is causing this.

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied


    A strange situation here:

    1) Calculations look correct for me: https://prnt.sc/u26pni

    I think you are seeing a Cache, maybe related to the "Raidboxes" cache, or maybe your browser's cache

    I logged in with the "abdullah" user and it looks correct also.

    Can you check with a new browser or private browser/incognito mode?

    2) If I change the shipping method from "DHL Paket", to "UPS", etc, the subtotal does not change at all. It should dynamically update every time you change the shipping method

    There is a JavaScript error: https://i.imgur.com/2XyYSRl.png

    I googled this problem and it seems to be a very new problem about the WooCommerce 4.4 Update: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/fatal-error-update-4-4-jquery/ Lots of people are seeing this issue