  Public Ticket #2530914
Brazilian Market compatibility


  • Fernando Felipetto started the conversation

    your plugin looks great, but little details are missing to make it 100% compatible with the Brazilian market. Here in Brazil, we need the Brazilian Market on WooCommerce plugin https://br.wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-extra-checkout-fields-for-brazil/ because the gateways and also logistics companies requires different informations.

    For example, we have a separate field for the house or apartment number, which is registered by this plugin as billing_number and shipping_number.

    There are some other custom fields indispensable for any Brazilian store, which can be checked in the documentation of the Brazilian Market on WooCommerce plugin, but if you just allow us to include custom mappings for the custom fields in "billing options", it has already solved our problem.

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Fernando, 

    We have many customers in Brazil and I'm familiar with that plugin by Claudio Sanches.

    In the past we have addressed this through some custom code added to functions.php. This is for example for CPF and CNPJ

    add_action('woocommerce_created_customer', 'b2bking_save_custom_cpf_cnpj_registration_fields');
    function b2bking_save_custom_cpf_cnpj_registration_fields($user_id){
        $cnpj_value = sanitize_text_field(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'b2bking_custom_field_759')); 
        $cpf_value = sanitize_text_field(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'b2bking_custom_field_760')); 
        if ($cnpj_value !== NULL && !empty($cnpj_value)){
            // update meta data
            update_user_meta($user_id, 'billing_cnpj', $cnpj_value);
        if ($cpf_value !== NULL && !empty($cpf_value)){
            // update meta data
            update_user_meta($user_id, 'billing_cpf', $cpf_value);

    Allowing a custom mapping for the billing connection field is a great idea and thank you for the suggestion. 

    You are looking to allow users to register directly with these custom info, right? (I mean, is adding this to registration sufficient for your needs?)

    Kind Regards,


  • Fernando Felipetto replied

    Yes Stefan, I need to capture the complete billing information at the time of registration, such as:

    Neighborhood = billing_neighborhood
    Number (house or apartment) = billing_number
    State = billing_state

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Fernando,

    I have added this function in the beta for the next b2bking version release. There is now an option for custom key mapping in billing connection.


    It's not clear to me if you have purchased the plugin. If you have, please send me your purchase code and I will privately attach the beta with this function.

    Kind Regards,


  •   Fernando Felipetto replied privately
  •   WebWizards replied privately
  • Fernando Felipetto replied

    the change worked, thank you!

    however, the State field is not recording in the billing information. I had already tried the "country + state" connection and now I tried the personalized connection "billing_state" and even so when submitting the registration, the status field in the billing information is blank.

  • Fernando Felipetto replied

    Buddy, after activating your plugin my site went crazy and the permanent links don't work or behave the wrong way.

    Clicking on a product redirects to my account and clicking on a category gives a 404 error.

    The site only returned to working properly when I checked this option http://prntscr.com/uertv1

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied


    I cannot seem to be able to replicate this. I have tested with the update I sent you.

    Is this a new issue with the update I sent you?

    Can you check if the select html field has the name "billing_state" ?


    Could there be a conflict with something else in your site / another plugin / field collecting similar info?

    - If you can replicate the issue in our demo at https://demo.woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com please let me know the steps you took (I tried but I am not seeing this issue)

    - If not, please consider sending us a temporary login to your site so we can investigate directly in your site.

    Kind Regards,


  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    There is a visibility feature inside the plugin. You must have deactivated the visibility switch. By default all products are visible to all users: https://prnt.sc/ues051 

    If you disable that option, you need to go to each category or product and set visibility.

    You can also set visibility in Bulk in B2BKing->Tools->Bulk

  •   WebWizards replied privately