  Public Ticket #2591526


  • Filip started the conversation


    i try to make some products just for B2B customer, and some for B2C.

    and I find some bug. I can't hide product, but just redirection on My Account or homepage. 

    Is possible that product dont show to user group if i dont want this?

    And second, almost same qouestion. Is possible to make sam messeage, row, pop-up anything what can be show just for some group?

    Example: When user logged-in like B2B user i want that be additional row where can write "now is b2b system". When log-out, this row will be hide.


  •   WebWizards replied privately
  • Filip replied

    Before I answer, where is the problem left.
    Stefan all praise for responsibility, fast response and support.
    I installed the latest version, the product no longer appears in / shop or / homepage.
    The problem is only in the search engine, see the example with the word "deteljica - 40. let". It should not be visible to the guest.
    And it is visible in 2 cases:
    - in the search engine
    - when you press "search results"
    Both example can see in Attachment. I screen make by guest. So three products (where see ONLY B2B) can't be there. 
    As for content restriction, I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m sure it will work. TOP!
  •   Filip replied privately
  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Filip,

    I have just tested with WoodMart but this does not happen in our installation. B2B Products are hidden in search, but if the user logs in, they are visible in search. So it works normally for me. These are my search settings using ajax:


    Do you have caching in your site by any chance? Caching plugins like WP Rocket or Lite Speed Cache can create this sort of issues.

    Is it possible to share a temporary login to your site with us? I would be happy to take a look at everything and check your settings.

  •   Filip replied privately
  • Filip replied

    I have Super Cache plugin, and try that disable it, and also try to check / uncheck some settings on your plugin and nothing new.

    Is option any conflict with other plugin or theme? Is option that I disable all plugin in the midnhat when dont have visitiors and see if search rights good when enabled just your plugin and theme?

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Filip,

    We have limited time for support during the weekend but I logged in quickly to check things,

    It seems to me that this may be related to a plugin named Relevanssi (This plugin replaces WordPress search with a relevance-sorting search.)

    After I disabled the plugin I am under the impression that visibility is working normally.

    For example, as a guest user (logged out) I cannot find the product "Zelena deteljica - 50 let" (b2b only) in search, but I can find "Štiriperesna deteljica primerna za darilo" (b2c).

    Another important thing that I previously forgot to mention: for technical reasons visibility does not work in search for admin user or shop manager (users with manage_woocommerce capability). So if you test, you must test with a user that is not admin or shop manager.

    I am not sure if that fully solves things, but I must sign off now and will check in again with you on Monday,

    Best Regards,


  • Filip replied

    All works. Thanks. And Perfect! 

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    All right then, glad to hear that!

    If I can help with anything, let me know,