  Public Ticket #2600189
Reviews not visible anymore when B2Bking is activated


  •  4
    Clemens started the conversation

    Hello Stefan,

    we are facing a very unpleasant situation. I have just discovered that our reviews are not visible to customers anymore (we discovered this by coincidence only as I would never have thought that these could be hidden by B2Bking). I can see them, when I am logged in as an administrator but other people don't see them at all. As soon as I turn off B2Bking all reviews are visible for all like usual again.

    This hurts our conversion. We were wondering why nobody is buying only even when we advertise. 

    Could you please point me where this problem could come from or provide me with a solution that all reviews are visible to all guests & logged in users and not only administrators at short noctice? I was unable to localize these settings.

    Thank you very much!

    Best regards

  •  4
    Clemens replied

    Hi Stefan,

    do you have any update? Our B2B customers are unable to order at the moment as I needed to disable the plugin due to the visibility issues of the product reviews. Unfortunately that is an import decision factor for our B2C clients which we cannot afford losing. 

    Losing the B2B turnover could be even worse :(.

    Thank you for pointing me into the direction to go to overcome this issue.

    Best regards

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied


    Please help me understand where to look for this issue,

    I am opening this page here:


    I am opening as a logged out / guest user (incognito mode in Chrome) and I see reviews here:


  •  4
    Clemens replied

    Hi Stefan,

    that is clear as I have disabled the plugin. If you set it active you will find that the reviews on the product pages disappear. 

    Best thing would be if you could use the staging access at raidboxes.io for that.

    Thank you very much & best regards


  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Oh, sorry, now I see the plugin is disabled. I think I see the issue, reviews cannot be read there when the plugin is enabled.

    Let me look into it and I will get back to you later today.

  •  4
    Clemens replied

    Thank you very much! The stars would be visible even with the plugin enabled. The thing that really disappears are the comments. 

    I attached comments of/to the reviews to this post which we need to keep for example. 

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied


    The reviews have a conflict with an aspect of the product visibility function (ajax search). As far as I can see, your site doesn't use AJAX search so I think it should be fine. I disabled that particular aspect now.

    Reviews should show normally now.

  •  4
    Clemens replied

    Hi Stefan,

    thank you very much for the hot fix I see that the plugin is enable and even as I guest I was able to see reviews. 

    Will there be an Ajax compatible update of the plugin in the time to come? I was considering YITH Ajax Product Filter for our website for the shop which would not be a good idea as from what I understood from your comment!?

    Cheers Clemens

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Glad that worked,

    Right now I have disabled AJAX product visibility, because it was in conflict with reviews (which also use ajax).

    If you set up AJAX search in your site, what will happen is: it will show all products to all users. 

    I would like to improve the function to fix the conflict, but this is the best I can do for now.

  •  4
    Clemens replied

    Hi Stefan,

    that is fine for the moment - no worries. I just wanted to know if it will work with a future update.

    Thank you for your ongoing support!

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    All right, I will let you know if I have any update to make it work ok with reviews. 

    And my pleasure. Sorry for any delay getting to tickets, doing my best but struggling with time.

    Have a good week,

  •  4
    Clemens replied

    Hey Stefan,

    the reviews are not visible again :(.

    Asking for your urgent help as Christmas sales are running.

    Thank you very much!


  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied


    I must have updated the plugin and forgot about this issue with the reviews. Logged in now to disable that ajax function.

    Seems to work now?

  •  4
    Clemens replied

    Hi Stefan,

    up and running again - thank you. 

    I updated the theme yesterday night and though that might be the reason. Is it possible that this behavior turns up if the theme (I am using a child theme though) is updated or has this got to do with the B2B plugin I updated recently?

    Maybe I forgot to check for the reviews after the B2B plugin update these days. How do I get to know if there is an update of the plugin by the way?

    Thank you & best regards


  •  4
    Clemens replied

    Hi Stefan,

    one more short question. Is it possible that you installed the plugin code snippets in our backend and applied the code through that? I just wanted to delete this plugin as I thought I can't remember I have used this at all. 

    Then I have seen a Java script entry and became cautious. If you entered the snippet, why didn't you insert it into the functions php? Should I integrate it so I can delete the plugin I do not require anywhere else?

    Best regards

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied


    I apologise for the late reply, struggling with time this week.

    Yes, please do not delete the "Code Snippets" plugin. I added a snippet there that fixes one of the issues we had discussed. I added it there, and not in functions.php, because it's a little safer that way. If I add it in functions.php and make a mistake or typo, that can bring down the entire site with a critical error, which I cannot fix without FTP access.

    Yes, you can move the snippet to functions.php if you would like and delete the snippets plugin after that.

    I did not make any changes to the theme or child theme, so you can update that without issues. I think the previous issue was that I made an update to B2BKing, forgetting the previous issues with reviews.

    - Stefan

  •   Clemens replied privately
  •   Clemens replied privately
  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Clemens,

    I looked over the thread and the previous issues and I am trying to remember the context of the issues then.

    Some thoughts:

    1) I would suggest you try the following. With version 3.5.3, go to B2BKing -> Settings -> Others ->  and disable the setting Product Visibility Cache (or enable it if it is already disabled). Please see if that fixes the issue - I think this setting is newer and could be a fix to the reviews issue.

    With 3.5.3 you should probably also disable the settings in B2BKing -> Settings -> Tiered Pricing as those could disrupt your pricing display.

    2) I am not sure if there should be any issue with 3.0.0. It may be best to load a backup of the files if you have any available, just to be sure.

    I will check with Envato but I think they don't allow us to sell item support externally under their exclusivity policy.

    Kind regards,


  •  4
    Clemens replied

    Hello Stefan,

    could you tell me if the issue is fixed in the plugin now or has it not been solved in the current plugin yet?

    I would like to install the latest version which does not make sense if the problems persist.

    Cheers Clemens

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Clemens,

    Do you mean the issue with the conflict with Reviews?

    I am not sure. There were some improvements to the visibility function in the plugin that may have resolved it, but I didn't get to test it with the reviews module you use. 

    Can you remind me what you use for reviews? is it a plugin? or are the reviews part of your theme? and if so, which theme is that?

    Maybe I can run a local test.

    Kind regards,


  •  4
    Clemens replied

    Hi Stefan, 

    I just tried the latest plugin in the staging and the reviews disappear again when I am not logged in as a user. 

    I am using the YITH Advanced reviews plugin. 

    Best regards
