  Public Ticket #2655553
dynamic rules


  •  1
    grant Spooner started the conversation

    using dynamic rules is there a way to increase prices by a percentage,

    I can see that we can offer discount but i need to now increase a certain groups prices by 10%

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Grant,

    You can use the dynamic rule "Add Tax/Fee" and create a 10% fee rule - that will add the extra 10% to Cart Totals / Checkout. 

    However, if you need it to change the price directly in the shop/product pages (e.g. a reverse discount), I'm afraid I don't have a solution for that with the plugin - we don't have that functionality.

    - Stefan

  •  16
    Ivy replied

    It the tax/fee option is not working, there is a plugin that you can create discounts and mark up.  That is the one I'm using at the moment because the Dynamic Ruling is not working 100% for me as I have a very complex system.

  •  1
    grant Spooner replied

    Thanks Ivy

    Could you advise on the plug-in name please

    Much appreciated

  •  16
    Ivy replied

    Hi Grant,

    The plugin I'm using is WooCommerce Catalog Mode, Wholesale & Role Based Pricing - ELEX (elextensions.com).

    You can first try the free one, but I'm not sure if it will work for you. Here is the link to the free plugin ELEX WooCommerce Role-Based Pricing Plugin (Free) - ELEXtensions.

    When you use this plugin not all the Dynamic Rules of B2B will work. Not sure how complex your situation is. But no harm in trying.