  Public Ticket #2669908
How to add a VAT field at checkout


  •  7
    Pieter Van Looy started the conversation

    Is there a way I can add a VAT-field on the checkout page for non-logged-in customers as well?

  •  2,327
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Pieter,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin,

    Yes, you can do this by enabling the following setting: B2BKing->Settings->Other->Validate VAT button at checkout


    To get this to work, "Add custom field to billing" must be enabled in B2BKing->Registration Fields->VAT


    If you want to exempt users from tax based on this button, you must configure a tax exemption rule for Guests based on Validated VAT:



    You should see the following result in checkout for guest users:


    Please notice the "VALIDATE VAT" button there.

    Once a VAT is entered and validated, the price would also update if there is an applicable vat exemption.

    Kind Regards,


  •  7
    Pieter Van Looy replied

    Hi Stefan,

    I think I managed.

    Thanks for clarification.



  •  7
    Pieter Van Looy replied

    Hi Stefan, this VAT field is showing well for B2B clients (https://prnt.sc/zukhvy), but for regular clients the label and the placeholder text is missing (https://prnt.sc/zukkqz). Any idea why that is and how we can solve it?

  •  2,327
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Pieter,

    Apologies for the slow follow-up on this, we are seeing a very high volume of tickets at the moment.

    I've ran a quick test in my setup but I can't seem to replicate the problem.

    Is it possible you didn't fill some option in the configuration of the field? Sort order in particular comes to mind as potentially causing that:


    Or have you solved that in the meantime?

    I checked your site and I can see the configuration look as follows right now:


    Kind regards,


  •  7
    Pieter Van Looy replied

    Hi Stefan,

    the order is not an issue. The field is there where it needs to be, only the label is missing for non logged in users: https://prnt.sc/105jtt4.



  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •   Pieter Van Looy replied privately
  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •  2,327
    WebWizards replied

    - actually, one other option is to show the field twice in the checkout page

  •  7
    Pieter Van Looy replied

    Hi, so far, so good :)

    Thanks for your help.