  Public Ticket #2706901
Filtering Users by Company Name and/or Subaccount


  •  5
    Amelia started the conversation

    We've hit a bit of a snag and would really appreciate your feedback!
    How would you recommend organizing our customer groups and subaccounts?

    We currently have our customers grouped by tier (bronze, silver, gold). It's challenging to filter our customers by subaccounts and job titles.

    #1. Is there a way to automatically assign a subaccount with the Company Name? For instance, if ABC Company were to add an account for sales, that subaccount doesn't appear to automatically label itself as ABC Company. We would need to go into the user and manually add their Company Name.

    #2. When we go into the Customers page, we would like to add an additional field and remove the 'Approval' field temporarily. It would look like this:

    - Name of the user
    - Company Name (assign automatically)
    - User Job Title
    - Customer Group
    - Account Type 

    Joe Schmoe
    ABC Company
    Bronze Dealer


    Lisa Frank
    ABC Company
    Account Manager
    Main Account Holder

    I've attempted to add new user roles for each job title, but gets confusing with our internal roles. Wondering if you have any good solutions off the top of your head? Would this require custom coding?

  •   WebWizards replied privately