  Public Ticket #2718213
Dynamic Prices


  •  16
    Ivy started the conversation

    Hi Stefan,

    I don't understand why I have problems with dynamic pricing if the product is a variable product.  With the simple product I don't have a problem.  I have excluded this product from discounting but it still gives the discount.



  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Ivy,

    If you add this product to cart, are you seeing the correct price in Cart?

    I logged in to your site and can see you disabled most caching plugins. WooCommerce has its own caching for the product display - which is more involved for variable products - so that might be it. If that's it, you should see the correct pricing when the item is added to cart.

    Kind regards,


  •  16
    Ivy replied

    Hi Stefan,

    That is the problem I don't see the correct price in the Cart. Sometimes the price in the cart is even more that what the customer is suppose to pay.



  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied


    This is of course quite concerning if the paid price is not correct. Can you please give me a product example  / link so I can test this scenario? Happy to look into it.

    So far, I've seen various situations where discounts are displayed wrong, but never where the actual price is incorrect. I wonder if it could be related to a misconfiguration or some kind of conflict. A product example or a way to replicate this issue would be great.