  Public Ticket #2738733
Product pricing, multilingual shop


  •  2
    Waldo started the conversation

    We have a hybrid shop, b2b and b2c. Our pricing is 2 tier, one for customers and one for resellers. I have looked through your demo and have the following questions:

    1) Do I understand it correctly, that when entering the reseller's price in the product field [Resellers Regular Price] this is the price the reseller will see when he logs in as a reseller. Otherwise, he would see the normal customer price (assuming we assign the reseller to the correct user group). Is this correct?

    2) A normal customer who has not registered will see the normal retail prices?

    3) Can all these prices be imported from .xls or .csv files?

    4) we run.a multilingual site. Is B2Bking compatible with multilingual plugins? If so, do you have a preferred multilingual plugin qua compatibility?

    Thank you for your response. The plug-in looks impressive.


    Waldo Fenker

  •  2,167
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Waldo,

    Thank you for getting in touch,

    1) Yes, that is exactly correct.

    The plugin would check what group (if any) the user is assigned to. If the user is B2C or not part of any group, they would see the regular/normal price. If the user is assigned to the Resellers group, they would see the Resellers Regular Price

    2) Yes, correct. 

    Logged out users and B2C (logged in but not part of any b2b group) will see "Regular"/normal prices

    3) Yes, the plugin has a tool for price import via CSV in B2BKing->Tools->Import/Export

    You can also try that out in our demo.

    4) The plugin is compatible with multilingual plugins. We also have a few community-provided translations already included: Polish, Dutch, Italian + we also have a partial German translation we can provide on request

    If you are translating it to a single language, we recommend you use Loco Translate. 

    If your target website has multiple languages, as far as I know WPML is the most advanced translation plugin available and that's what we usually work with.

    You can read about translation with these tools here: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/how-to-translate-b2bking-to-any-language-localization/

    Let me know if I can help with anything,

    Kind regards,
