  Public Ticket #2756480
Product Images in Purchase List


  •  15
    Darren Robinson started the conversation

    Hi, Is it possible to add product images to the purchase list in the customer account?



  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Darren,

    Thank you for purchasing the plugin,

    Our plugin doesn't currently have a setting for this. If you are open to customizing / modifying the plugin, I can look into it and share some relevant code if you'd like.

    Kind regards,


  •  15
    Darren Robinson replied

    Hi Stefan,

    Code would be great if it can add product images into the purchase list. Would these images also show if the list is downloaded? 

    I want to use the purchase list to create a custom quote/list of products that can be emailed to a customer. With the images this would be better so they can see the product 

    Thank you for your time


  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Darren,


    If you are open / familiar with doing plugin customizations, showing the thumbnail is not particularly difficult. The line of code that needs to be added to show the thumbnail is:

    <img class="b2bking_offer_image" src="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url( $productobj->get_image_id() ); ?>"> 

    What will be more difficult actually is styling the purchase lists / order form in a way that also leads to a nice / responsive design.

    We would like to add this ourselves to the plugin, at least as a setting that users can optionally enable. However, we don't have this ready yet - it needs some development time. 


    If you want to add it to the downloaded csv, it can be done in class-b2bking.php inside the function b2bkingdownloadpurchaselist().

    You can replace the function with 

    function b2bkingdownloadpurchaselist(){
            // Check security nonce. 
            if ( ! check_ajax_referer( 'b2bking_security_nonce', 'security' ) ) {
                  wp_send_json_error( 'Invalid security token sent.' );
            $listid = sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['list']);
            $list_name = esc_html__('b2bking_purchase_list','b2bking');
            $list_name = apply_filters('b2bking_purchase_list_file_name', $list_name);
            header("Content-type: text/csv");
            header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$list_name."_".$listid.".csv");
            header("Pragma: no-cache");
            header("Expires: 0");
            $output = fopen("php://output", "wb");
            // build header
            $headerrow = array(esc_html__('Name','b2bking'), esc_html__('SKU','b2bking'), esc_html__('Quantity','b2bking'), 'Image');
            fputcsv($output, $headerrow);
            // parse list and for each line write data
            $list_details = get_post_meta($listid,'b2bking_purchase_list_details', true);
            $list_items = explode('|', $list_details);
            $list_items = array_filter($list_items);
            foreach ($list_items as $list_item){
                $item = explode(':', $list_item);
                $product_id = $item[0];
                $product_qty = $item[1];
                $productobj = wc_get_product($product_id);
                $product_title = $productobj -> get_name();
                $product_sku = $productobj -> get_sku();
                if (empty($product_sku)){
                    $product_sku = '-';
                $csv_array = array($product_title, $product_sku, $product_qty, wp_get_attachment_url( $productobj->get_image_id()));
                fputcsv($output, $csv_array); 

    And you will get the following:


    However I'm still not sure how we can add this to the main plugin in a way that makes sense - at the least we need to put some work into the layout designs.

    Kind regards,


  •  15
    Darren Robinson replied

    Thank you!