  Public Ticket #2757276
how to display "Payment Method" tab in my account page?


  •  6
    Set Veasna started the conversation

    Dear support team,

    in my site now when customer logged in, in the my account page doesn't have "Payment Method" tab.

    how to display "Payment Method" tab in my account page? (like this my attach file)

    Best regards,

    Set Veasna

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Set,

    I think by default WooCommerce doesn't show payment methods. I think it depends on the Payment GATEWAYS that are installed/activated in your site. Most gateways do not store data, so I think that is the issue why it doesn't show.

    I think if you install a gateway such as Stripe, payment methods will show: https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-gateway-stripe/

    Kind regards,


  •  6
    Set Veasna replied

    Thank you very much for your information. 

    Best regards,

    Set Veasna