  Public Ticket #2782632
Can we display your plugin condition on mobile app?


  •  6
    Set Veasna started the conversation

    Dear support team,

    I have plan to create mobile apps for android and iOS by query data from my website that using b2b king plugin.

    So my question is that whether your plugin has API for mobile code to display your plugin b2b king condition? for example, user must buy product from 6 qty up and multiple by 6, etc.

    Note my mobile app will using flutter & dart of Google to build.

    Thank you very much for your suggestion and help

    Best regards, 

    Set Veasna

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Set,

    The plugin doesn't have an API to get this info directly. If you wanted to query this kind of info, you would have to query the dynamic rules themselves. To get info on dynamic rule meta data, please see the following article:


    I think, generally speaking, the best way to handle things is to use WooCommerce native functions / functions B2BKing is already integrated with. Perhaps existing WooCommerce apps can help with integration.

    Kind regards,
