  Public Ticket #2816756
Bulk Order Form


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    Andrea started the conversation

    my client needs a different bulk order form from the one provided from your plugin, so I've purchased Bulk Order Form for WooCommerce, as it displays the whole catalogue as needed.

    It works using the variant standard price, but I need him to show the B2B price for my client, so I'm asking you:

    - do you know if B2B King is compatible with it (as I suppose already)
    - how can I know which price should I show based on my client group, in a way I can tell BOF plugin to show it and not the regular price?


  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Andrea,

    We do not have this plugin ( Bulk Order Form for WooCommerce ) for testing, so I'm afraid I do not know if these are compatible.

    If the user is logged in as B2B, they are not seeing B2B price in the form? they are seeing regular price?

    - how can I know which price should I show based on my client group, in a way I can tell BOF plugin to show it and not the regular price?

    B2BKing stores B2B price as product meta data. Do you need the meta keys / php code to get the price? 

    If you can send me the BOF plugin, I can also check in my local site to see if they work.

    Kind regards,


  •  2
    Andrea replied

    Ok, it was half my fault and half a problem of BOF: it shows the correct B2B price (even for variations), so it works well with B2B King as far as I have seen.

  •  2
    Andrea replied

    Is it possible somehow to put the advices for the dynamic rules inside the bulk form page?
    I've set a dynamic rule with a minimum quantity for a variant, and I need the advices that appear on the cart to appear in my bulk order page. I refer to the one that appears above the cart (text that tells the user to change the value) and the bubble on the quantity field.

    Thank you

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Andrea,

    I'm afraid I don't think we have a good way to achieve this. Even with custom coding it's not simple to do, as many hooks and functions would have to be changed, and many specifically use Cart page hooks.

    Another issue is that it would have to be calculated in real time as the form changes, which also creates a lot of issues.

    Thank you for the feedback and we'll consider ways to improve the order form, but I don't see how we can add this right now.

    Kind regards,
