  Public Ticket #2824524
Display 2 prices on product page


  •  7
    Pasca Catalin Emanuel started the conversation

    Hey guys, 

    My client wants to display 2 prices on product page and category page. Meaning price incl. tax and excl. tax. Is is it possible adding this option via your plugin.
    Like in the example below

    Thanks in advance for taking your time to answer

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Catalin,

    The plugin doesn't directly have this option, but I'm trying to think of possible solutions.

    Do you need all users, b2c, guests, to see both prices? or only B2B users?

    Some thoughts:

    1. We recently added a setting in B2BKing -> Settings -> Other to show B2C price to B2B users (only b2b users can see this, so it's not visible to all)





    Not sure if that is useful or not for this.

    2. This looks interesting as well: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/showing-product-prices-with-and-without-tax/ (the reply from the WooCommerce staff)

    Kind regards,


  • Anthony replied


    Thanks for the response. The option is pretty good. I am just having a "bug" with the currency :

    Retail price is shown without the currency :

    Retail price : 29

    Wholeslae price : 12€

    Is there any solution for this ?



  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Anthony,

    I'd like to assist you with this. I want to send you our latest DEV plugin version to check if you still have the issue with that version. However I would need your purchase code for that.

    Can you kindly please open a separate new ticket + include your purchase code there? I will reply again there as soon as you do. Thank you.

    Kind regards,
