  Public Ticket #2847246
Dynamic pricing


  •  1
    Mervin started the conversation

    Some of my customers get a kickback % back each month on their total purchase volume. I would like to add a hidden fee that will be priced in on-top of their current price.

    So I would like to add 1% hidden fee to be applied on product price, not seperate.

    Is this possible?

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Mervin,

    Thank you for getting in touch,

    Yes, you can do this with the plugin in a few ways.

    There are ways to set the price of the product directly, either by setting Group Price or setting Fixed Price. This has to be done on a product-by-product basis.

    If you want to set this easily for all product, you could use a trick to add a Negative discount percentage:


    (-10% in the above screenshot)

    And you would also need to add this code snippet:

    add_filter('b2bking_dynamic_recalculate_sale_price_display', function($price_html, $product, $sale_price){
        return wc_price($sale_price);
    }, 10, 3);

    Regular product price = 500

    User sees 550:


    Kind regards,


  •  1
    Mervin replied

    Seems to work fine to show the total price in shop-pages. Could you please also check if it works while looking the product up in Quick / Bulk Order Form? I think it does not.

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied


    I'm afraid that in general, discount dynamic rules are not applied to the bulk order form (not even regular ones) - the performance cost would simply be too high for that to work.

    Group prices are applied to the bulk order form. So if you would set a higher group price, that would also work with the form.