  Public Ticket #2852385
conflict with currency switcher


  •  2
    Erica started the conversation


    I currently have installed Multicurrency switcher for wordpress along with B2B King. Everything is working fine with this two plugins together for the currency to switch for the regular B2C prices. 

    However, with the B2B regular price, the currency symbol switches, but not the value. This is highly confusing and problematic. 

    Anything I can do?

    Thank you,


  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Erica,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin, 

    What currency switcher plugin are you using?

    I want to let you know that B2BKing has some compatibility with WOOCS currency switcher. It's this plugin here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-currency-switcher/ 

    B2B Group Pricing should be correctly converted when using that.

    Kind regards,

  •  2
    Erica replied


    Thank you for the quick reply. I am using "Multi Currency for Wordpress" by VillaTheme. 

    I am testing again with WOOCS, to see if it will also fit our needs. 

    Two problems already - first, WOOCS does not seem to let me set the default currency to anything but USD. We are based in Europe, so this should be set to EUR. 

    Second (B2B plugin based) - is that even with WOOCS activated and with euros as a currency - and with a dynamic rule for the currecy set for B2B users to only see prices in euros... the site is still only showing USD when I am logged in as a B2B user. See the attached photo for how I have the dynamic rule set up. If this function would work, it could solve our problem. 

    Thank you,


  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Erica,

    WOOCS is not our plugin so I'm not an expert on it myself, but I'll try to see if I can help.

    1) I checked settings and as far as I can see, you can configure default currency by going to WOOCS SETTINGS -> OPTIONS -> and changing "Welcome Currency":


    So you should be able to set EUR as default here.

    2) I am a little confused here. Do you want B2B users to only see prices in Euros? Then why do you need the currency switcher plugin? If you want a B2B group to see price only in EUR, I think dynamic rules alone are enough.

    The currency dynamic rules force a particular currency for a group, so they're not compatible with currency switchers. So you would use a switcher if you want to give users a choice - otherwise if users should not have a choice, you can use dynamic rules to force a currency for them.

    Kind regards,
