  Public Ticket #2853546
I just want to Integration MyOB in Woocommerce with B2B


  • Yasir Noor started the conversation

    Hi, I have an issue with your existing features of plugin B2B because i don't know is it working with MYOB Integration. Also, I just want to B2B King plugin work looks like WebNinja B2B Online Order Portal. Please make sure is it reliable for B2B online ordering portal. Thanks

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Yasir,

    Thank you for getting in touch, 

    I checked out MYOB and I understand that it is some kind of account solution. You would need a plugin that can integrate MYOB with WooCommerce, such as this plugin: https://woocommerce.com/products/myob-integration

    I believe that it will be compatible with B2BKing as well.

    I can't comment on how our plugin related to the WebNinja B2B Online Order Portal, as that's not something we're very familiar with. I would recommend you check out our plugin's Live Demo at https://demo.woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/wp-admin/ 

    You can also try our free plugin at https://wordpress.org/plugins/b2bking-wholesale-for-woocommerce/

    Let me know if I can help,

    Kind regards,
