  Public Ticket #2854876
Sub agent is not getting commission on their customers orders


  • Fadi Qat started the conversation

    Sub agent is not getting commission on their customers orders (when these orders are placed by the customer himself)

    Used the.demo link.


    Created a sub agent under demo agent with user id: sub1

    Logged in using sub1 account

    Used the affiliate registration link of sub1 to register cust1 customer account.

    Logged in using customer cust1 account and placed an order.


    Viewing Cust1: it has sub1 as it's sales agent.

    Viewing Order details: agent account filed is empty and no commission (for sub1 nor for demo accounts were present)

    If we use sub1 and place an order on behalf of Cust1, everything works correctly:

    I..e Viewing Order details: agent account filed has sub1 and  commission for sub1 and for demo accounts are present)

    Kindly advise.

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Fadi,

    Thank you for your feedback on this,

    I checked and indeed found the same issue that you described. We have looked into it and resolved the problem now, both in the demo + updated the plugin version on CodeCanyon.

    I think this should be resolved.

    You can check by registering a user with this link: https://demosk.woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/my-account/?regid=RSTOUMV7P5 + placing an order.

    And then logging in to the agent dashboard https://demosk.woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/agent-dashboard/earnings/ with username demo password demo

    Let me know if you see any further issues,

    Kind regards,
