  Public Ticket #2864384
Required Multiple and Min Order (qty)


  •  1
    Rahul Solanki started the conversation

    For a particular product I have set a multiple order quantity of 8pcs and minimum qty of 80pcs.

    Now, when the user adds the particular product to cart, the quantity displays as 8pcs..when the user clicks on checkout, it gives error message that minimum quantity required is 80pcs..

    if both rules have been set to the product, why doesn't the minimum quantity display 80 initially? This way, when the customer adds it to cart, he can directly checkout with 80pcs, or can increase it if he wants to..there's no need for the error message..

    Secondly, website displays the add to cart button along with the quantity on the product list page in the category..i guess what u call it as a quick checkout options.. if my first query is resolved, will that be applied to my theme as well. (I use a popular theme named Aora). You can checkout my website to see how it looks for the customer..just want the multiples and minimum quantity per product to work for me together

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Rahul,


    The way the plugin currently works is that only "required multiple" rules are applied to force quantity in the product page, but not min qty rules. Minimum qty rules do not force qty because there could already be items in Cart.

    But we have recently made an improvement to the plugin to adjust for items in cart (e.g. now if the minimum is 80, and there are already 50 pieces in cart, the plugin will force a minimum of 30 in the product page). I have updated the demo with this and you can check how it works now in the public demo. While this version is not yet on CodeCanyon I can send it to you here based on purchase code.

    2) I checked your site. I think it would work in the same way with your theme, but I want to mention 1 thing:

    Your site uses Quick / AJAX add to cart. The minimums in the input field would not be able to refresh until you refresh the page.

    So if the minimum is 10, and you click add to cart, it will still show a minimum of 10 until you refresh the page (it cannot update instantly). After you refresh the page, the minimum will be 1 (because there are already 10 pieces in cart).

    Kind regards,
