  Public Ticket #2896050
404 error with My Account pages


  •  2
    Erica started the conversation

    I am running the B2B king on my website (b2b only). 

    In the settings options, I have all these enabled, however, when I'm logged in as a B2B user (for testing), many of the pages are not showing, leading to a 404 error. 

    Pages not working include: bulk order form, purchase lists, subaccounts and offers. 

    I had initially had the site set up as a b2b and b2c hybrid. Perhaps there's a setting that was enabled at that time, and the switch back to only b2b is affecting this somewhere ?

    Thank you, 


  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Erica,

    There is a setting in our plugin that can usually help fix My Account 404 errors.

    Please try to :

    • Go to B2BKing->Settings->Other Settings->Enable "Force Permalinks Rewrite"

     If it doesn't fix the issue, you can also try the following:

    • Go to WooCommerce-> Settings -> Advanced -> Click "Save Changes" (you don't need to make any changes to settings, just click the save button)

    The effect should be immediate with the first setting. 

    Please let me know if that resolved the problem for you,

    Kind regards,


  •  2
    Erica replied


    Thank you for the quick reply, and easy solution! 

    I can't actually tell you if it worked or not, as I have a new issue that came up yesterday. The My Account page is now saying that I'm not a business user... (the site is set to B2B only, as it should be). I even recreated a new B2B user, and with the admin login also showing the same thing, this is appearing for 3 different user accounts now... help! 


  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    It seems that you have the wrong shortcode in your My Account page. You must have a b2bking shortcode such as the [b2bking_b2b_registration] shortcode. These are not designed as a replacement for My Account - they are only for separate registration pages.

    You can fix this by editing the My Account page and replacing the shortcode there with the [woocommerce_my_account] shortcode.

    If it helps, I can also set this up for you - I'd need a backend login to the site.

  •  2
    Erica replied


    Oh yes, I made that change because I wanted to show the option for registration for a business account under the log in. Unfortunately, when I have the woocommerce settings set to 'allow users to reigster on the registration page', it only allows the customer to create an account. 

    So, now I have the account page set up like this: 



    I believe its okay. 

    However, when logged in (to my business account), at the bottom there is the default note saying "You are already logged in. To apply for a Business account, please logout first. Click here to log out"

    I worry this may be confusing for business customers already logged in. Is there anywhere I can change this?

    Thank you!


  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Please try the following:

    Right now you mentioned the page has the following content:


    Try to replace that with:

    [b2bking_content show_to=loggedout][b2bking_b2b_registration_only][/b2bking_content]

    Hopefully this will work to no longer the "already logged in" message.

  •  2
    Erica replied

    Yes! That solved it! 

    Thank you for the support, and sorry for the late reply.