  Public Ticket #2904463
Hidden prices kinda not hidden in filtering


  •  3
    Alex started the conversation

    I've hidden the prices for customers who are not logged in to the shop. Still they can use the filter function to make a pretty good "guess" of what the prices are.

    Also, the filter seems to be filtering the regular price (Which we set as recommended retail price) and not the actual customer price.

    Is there a workaround for this?

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Alex,

    Since logged out users should not see pricing at all, I think it makes sense to hide all "filter by price" options. 

    You can do that by adding the following CSS to the site:

    .b2bking_logged_out .reyajfilter-price-filter-widget{
        display:none !important;
    #catalog-orderby-list option[value=price], #catalog-orderby-list option[value=price-desc]{
        display:none !important;

    Regarding filtering by the customer's actual price, I'm afraid I really don't have a solution for this. It's something we've been looking at for a long time without much success. WooCommerce uses price lookup tables for the min/max prices, and then the filters get prices directly from these tables with no way for us to modify it. We even looked at competitor plugins but haven't seen any role-based price plugin with the ability to modify these filters' results.

    Kind regards,
