  Public Ticket #2949843
add a customer group in B2B


  • DBKCURK started the conversation

    Hai there, 

    We allready have a B2B customer group. How to add this group in B2BKing ?
    We want our existing B2B group as the default B2B group. No new names, no user-copy, no user edit by hand, just add a group in B2BKing. 


  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    Do you mean that you already have a B2B group from another b2b/wholesale plugin? And you want to move this group to B2BKing?

    If so, unfortunately that would probably be very difficult to achieve. Even though multiple plugins may use the "groups" name, they are technically very different things, and each plugin has its own unique implementation that is not easily compatible with each other.

    It may help to look at our article here https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/how-to-set-user-group-programmatically-during-import-in-bulk-with-scripts/

    There is some info on how to assign a group in bulk and programmatically.

    Kind regards,


  •   DBKCURK replied privately
  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    Thanks for explaining. 

    Basically you would need to configure a tax exemption for the DBKCFactuurklant group.

    We have a guide for this here:


    In short, you would need to:

    1) Configure prices incl. tax in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Tax:


    2) Set the tax rates in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Tax -> Standard Rates:


    3) Go to B2BKing -> Dynamic Rules -> Create a "Tax Exemption" rule that applies for the DBKCFactuurklant group with the following configuration:


    This group will then see prices excl. VAT. They will also not pay the VAT in cart/checkout. If you want them to pay the vat in cart/checkout, you would need to set "pay tax in cart" to "yes" in the above rule.

    Let me know if I can help with anything, or if you have any questions,

    Kind regards,
