  Public Ticket #2959443
Account Purchase List product quantity not using Minimum Order rules


  •  6
    christian paton started the conversation

    Hi there

    So yeah, the quatinty per line in a purchase list in the account section doesn't seems to reflect the dynamic Minimum Order rule set for its category. I realise that this wouldn't work for variations with the way the plugin is set up but thought it is meant to for simple products within a chosen category?

    On a side note, I wondered if there was any filter/action I could play with to get it to work for variations?

    Thanks in advance, chris.

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Chris,

    I'm afraid the Min. Orders are not yet integrated with the bulk order form / purchase lists. We are looking to add this later this year, and integrate min / max / step quantities, but this is not available yet.

    I hope I'm understanding you correctly here.

    I think this would work in the same way for simple products / variations (based on product or variation ID). I guess you can't do it with only a filter / action / PHP, because our JavaScript needs to also integrate with it. With the PHP, we can get the min value, but I think actually the harder part is we need to integrate the order form scripts.

    Kind regards,


  •  6
    christian paton replied

    Hi Stefan, ok no worries, thanks for letting me know. Hopefully that happens sooner rather than later as the product lists feature isn't usable for my client without the min / step quantities, so I'll keep an eye out for it.

    cheers chris