  Public Ticket #2962514
Change converstation email recipient


  •  2
    Ryan started the conversation

    We'd like to have the new conversation notification go to a specific recipient and not go to the administrator at all (who is our developer and not involved in day-to-day ops)

    I found this code from another ticket, but how do we exclude the current WP admin, not just add an additional email recipient?

    add_filter('b2bking_recipient_new_message', 'change_recipient',10,2);
    function change_recipient($recipient, $conversation){    $second_admin = '[email protected]';    $recipient = $recipient.','.$second_admin;    return $recipient;

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Ryan,

    In this case you can replace that snippet with this one:

    add_filter('b2bking_recipient_new_message', 'change_recipient',10,2);
    function change_recipient($recipient, $conversation){   
        $recipient = '[email protected]';  
        return $recipient;

    You'd need to replace [email protected] with the address you want your emails to go to.

  •  2
    Ryan replied

    Great - thank you, I'll give it a go!