We have hidden the category Uncatagorized from all users and guests. And as expected there are no products in the category. But the catagory name still shows in the menu. Similar we have hidden entire catagories from other users, but again all products are hidden, but the name of the catagory still shows.
Go to B2BKing -> Settings -> Others and enable "Product Visibility Cache".
This cache sets visibility at a deeper level. It can hide categories completely in some areas / depending on theme, but not all. Please check if that can resolve the issue for you.
We have hidden the category Uncatagorized from all users and guests. And as expected there are no products in the category. But the catagory name still shows in the menu. Similar we have hidden entire catagories from other users, but again all products are hidden, but the name of the catagory still shows.
Any fix?
Hi Nicolai,
Please try the following:
Go to B2BKing -> Settings -> Others and enable "Product Visibility Cache".
This cache sets visibility at a deeper level. It can hide categories completely in some areas / depending on theme, but not all. Please check if that can resolve the issue for you.
Kind regards,
it worked! Thanks :)