  Public Ticket #2978728
B2B and B2C tax


  •  3
    dym0ckr started the conversation


    I'm trying  to configure taxes, which should display in catalog with TAX for B2C and without for B2B,  I tried as in documentation, but still prices for B2C are excluding TAX. 

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    The way it works is that taxes are added by the WooCommerce plugin. What B2BKing does is it actually removes the taxes for your B2B users.

    Have you already followed the WooCommerce tax configuration from the documentation? I'll copy-paste it below:


    Go to WooCommerce-> Settings-> Tax and set the following:

    • Display prices including tax in cart
    • Display prices including tax in shop pages
    • Enter prices inclusive of tax (WooCommerce bug, issue #27012 at the time of this writing that exemptions only work if prices are entered inclusive of tax).
    image-19-1024x678.pngWooCommerce Tax Configuration

    In WooCommerce->Settings->Tax->Standard Rates, make sure rates are set:



    Importantly: Please note that in the first image there is a setting called "Calculate tax based on". For example if that is set to Billing Address, users will not see tax until they choose a billing country in checkout.

    Please make sure that standard rates are set for the country. Without rates set, B2C users will not get any taxes.

    We are also happy to look into your configuration directly to troubleshoot the issue. For that, I'd need a backend login to your site or a staging clone site.

    Kind regards,


  •  3
    dym0ckr replied

    this first row " Prices entered  with tax " I selected " no, i will enter prices exclusivetax"  becouse I imported 2600 products exclusive tax,  the problem is fixed, it looks like prices works fine, exception tax for b2b also, thanks.


  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Glad to hear you got that to work, thanks for the update.

    Have a nice weekend,