  Public Ticket #3012741
Dynamic price rules by attributes


  •  1
    Georgi started the conversation


    Are you planning to add the product attributes to the Dynamic price rules conditions?

    It's not possible to manage pricing in big catalogs only by product categories.

    Brands, Seasons, Vendors, etc...?

    It will be a huge improvement of the plugin.


  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Georgi,

    Thank you for getting in touch and for the feedback,

    Yes, we are considering making an update in this sense to allow other custom taxonomies such as brands, seasons etc. 

    We will be working on some major updates to B2BKing within the next few months so hopefully we can also add this during this time.

    Let me know if I can help with anything, or if you have any questions,

    Kind regards,



  •  1
    Georgi replied

    Hi Stefan,

    This feature will be a great!

    Can you advise me for a plugin or something that I can use in combination with B2B King in order to achieve the desired facility of making discounts? I need to find a solution of this limitation as soon as possible.


  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Georgi,

    Unfortunately I'm not quite sure what you could use for that. With our plugin, the only solution right now is to create categories (e.g. 1 category for each brand) and add products to those categories accordingly. 

    I'm sure there are discount plugins on the market that offer discounts by taxonomy. However, please note that if you use other discounts plugins + B2BKing wholesale pricing (group pricing or tiered pricing), there's a high change there would be conflicts. There's a setting to completely turn off B2BKing pricing features, in which case there would be no conflicts.