  Public Ticket #3022948
Bulk Orders / Purchase Lists (database)


  •  6
    Nicolai started the conversation


    Is there any way I can pre-populate bulk-orders or purchaselists on behalf of customers? If not, can I copy lists from one client to another?

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Nicolai,

    I guess you're looking to have some default purchase lists / easily added packages. One possibility is perhaps to use Offers.

    If you want to specifically use purchase lists, it would only be possible with some custom coding. 

    To achieve this with custom coding:

    These lists are simply posts of the custom post type 'b2bking_list'. The author of the post is the person who sees the list. So if you'd like to copy lists from one client to another, you need to duplicate such a post and its metadata, and change its post author.

    Kind regards,
