  Public Ticket #3033116
presale question


  • tvojsplet started the conversation

    Hi, i see i can set min and max quantity for user or user role. But is it possible to set for user A that he can order product by 1 pcs and for user B that he have to buy package of 20 pcs min. So user B can buy 20, 40, 60 and so on but if stock is not equal to whole number he can buy what is left in stock. Exampkle:

    user B want to buy product A but can buy only whole package of 20 pcs. He wants to buy 3x package of 20 pcs but only 57 pcs are left in stock so he can buy only 57 pcs.

    So what i need is for specific user whan he insrease qty that product qty is increase by min order.

    Best regards,


  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Gregor,

    Thank you for getting in touch,

    It is possible to set multiple rules, so that User A can order products without restrictions, but User B has a required package quantity of 20pcs.

    However, it is not possible to remove this package quantity in case not enough items are in stock (e.g. in your example, the user will be forced to purchase either 40 or 60, no option for 57 when only 57 are in stock).

    If it helps, B2BKing has a Separate B2B stock feature, that allows you to have a different quantity in stock for B2B users, or allow backorders for B2B users only.

    Kind regards,


  • tvojsplet replied

    Thanks for info. I have same stock for all clients. Is it possible that you implement this future into plugin and i will pay for it?

    Best regads,


  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    We will consider adding something like this in future versions - thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately we're not available for customizations or custom work at the moment.