  Public Ticket #3065549
Japanese are not showing in offers


  • liangz5 started the conversation

    Hi team,

    I am useing  B2Bking in Jaoanese. After I translate some words . I found Japanese are not showing in offers PDF. How can I fix it.

    By the is there any way I can change and design my own offers PDF tempalte? 

    I am looking foreward your relpy

    Thank you so much 


  •  2,331
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin!

    1) Regarding designing your own offers template, it is possible,  but there are no built-in 'themes'. The only way to change it is through making some Javascript changes (some programming knowledge is necessary).

    The way the "offers" PDF works is that we generate it by using a JavaScript PDF generation library named PDFMAKE : http://pdfmake.org/ 

    To change the design or layout or downloaded PDFs, you'd need to make changes to the JS parameters used when generating it.

    For example you can see some options at http://pdfmake.org/playground.html for tables, alignments, images, styling, although there are no specific predefined layouts.

    In the public side, it's generated in the public.js file, in the function


    Basically, to make changes to the PDF, you'd need to make changes here in this function.

    2) Regarding the display issue there, I think we can help solve this for you - we need to send you an updated version that uses a Japanese font for the PDF generation library.

    Please let me look into this and I will get back to you here with another message as soon as possible.

    Kind regards,


  •  2
    toukendj replied

    Hi, Stefan

    Thank you very much for help! Hopfully we will soon get your feedback.

    Apprecited your help in advanced. 

    Best Regards


  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •  2
    toukendj replied


    Thank you very much for your effort. 

    Two questions before going through this process:

    1.  In any chance do you know that we are using the "loco translate" to localize the BtoB king's , if we change the version, all the translation are still there or not. 

    2. Just make sure I understand your Email properly :  Only change  font library ( Only process your second point ) is not enough, change the verison is a must thing here for fix this issue. 

    Best regards


  •  2,331
    WebWizards replied

    1) It depends on where you saved the translation file when you first created it with Loco. It is important not to save it under the plugin folder, otherwise you can lose it.

    It may be best to make a backup of the site or plugin before you update. You can backup the entire site, or just backup the folder in your site wp-content/plugins/b2bking (your b2bking folder may be named something like codecanyon-b2bking-ultimate-plugin-woocommerce-Zm3id8s)


    It is NECESSARY to follow these steps:

    2.1. First deactivate and delete the "B2BKing Pro" plugin in your site.

    2.2. Then upload and activate the attached plugin version.

    This part is OPTIONAL: The other part about changing the font is just about how you can change the specific font I used. I used a font named 'Gothic Condensed', but maybe you do not like the style, or the size is too large. In that case you need to modify the new version of the plugin as described (After you change the version first).

  •  2
    toukendj replied

    Hi Stefan,

    I am not able to download the attachment. Could you please send me the zip again. 


    Thank you very much !

    Best regards


  •   WebWizards replied privately