  Public Ticket #3067440
Price for business customers not shown in front


  •  1
    polinaellis started the conversation


    when logged in as a B2B customer prices are shown same as retailer or guest users in our shop. 

    we've applied rules for discount to 60% for all B2B customers but whatever changes we made in settings prices remain the same as normal customers 

    I'm attaching 3 screenshots:

    one with settings

    prices shown to guest user 

    prices shown to signedin b2b customer

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied
    Hi there,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin,

    I am not sure if this is the issue, but please note that when you create a discount dynamic rule, BY DEFAULT the discounts are applied IN CART (they will show under cart totals in the cart / checkout).

    If you want the price itself to be changed, this checkbox must be enabled in the dynamic rule configuration:


    Please check and let me know if that could be the issue.

    Kind regards,


  •  1
    polinaellis replied

    Stefan hi,

    thank you for your prompt reply. 

    What we want to do is display different prices to signed-in B2B customers on product page. 

    I'm not sure which other rule does that. 

    By the way we tried also the checkbox that you show and we are still not seeing different prices on product listings and product detail page when signed-in as B2B customer.

    Are we doing something wrong?

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    If you have already tried that checkbox but it's not making a difference, perhaps there is some kind of plugin conflict or other kind of error in the site.

    If you'd like, we can check everything directly on your site and try to get this resolved. For that, we would need a backend login to your site (or a staging clone site), so we can test and troubleshoot this.

    Kind regards,


  •   polinaellis replied privately
  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •  1
    polinaellis replied

    Stefan hi,

    thank you for your support. 

    You are right with your latest comments. The rule was disabled because we were experimenting with various options. 

    May I suggest a couple of things for your consideration for this great plugin?

    - B2B customers (when loggedin ) expect to see prices without VAT and B2C customers have to (by law) to see prices including VAT.  It doesnt mean that B2B customers dont pay VAT but in Greece at least, B2B is shown without the VAT. So maybe have an option to show prices without VAT to B2B customers only? 

    - We wanted to apply a rule for all B2B customers that has a discount to all but not shown as discount to them. So maybe have a dynamic rule to apply different prices in mass for B2B customers only without beeing an actual discount? 

    that is all 

    thank you so much for your support, this is a great plugin and i can verify it has a great support as well! 


  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Chris,

    Glad to hear that seems to be working,

    1) I want to let you know that it is possible to show prices to B2C customers incl VAT, and B2B customers excl. VAT. It is also possible that B2B users see the prices without VAT on shop pages, but they do pay the VAT in cart/checkout.

    To set this up, please follow our guide here: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/how-to-display-prices-excluding-tax-for-b2b-users-and-including-tax-for-b2c-users/ - please let me know if you have any issues with it,

    2) I see what you mean. If you want, I have a PHP code snippet that can change how those discount rules work, and shows the discount as the final price:

    add_filter('b2bking_dynamic_recalculate_sale_price_display', function($price_html, $product, $sale_price){
        return wc_price($sale_price);    
    }, 10, 3);

    A PHP snippet can be added to functions.php, or by following our guide here: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/how-to-add-a-snippet-php-or-js/

    However, this will affect all discount rules that have that checkbox enabled. I don't have a way to apply it selectively,