  Public Ticket #3097079
Error 404 link mail


  •  1
    milenamarcellini started the conversation


    I encountered the 404 error, I followed the advice but the problem persists ..
    When a user registers an email with the link to set the password automatically arrives, but clicking on that link the 404 error appears.
    How can I solve?
    I have some need to resolve by Thursday.
    Thank you

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Milena,

    B2BKing can add extra fields to the registration, but it does not do the registration itself. The registration is handled by WooCommerce and would follow WooCommerce settings.

    It sounds like there may be some issue with your WooCommerce links configuration. It could be that the My Account page is not selected in settings.

    Please try to go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Advanced and make sure your My Account page is selected correctly here:


    If that does not help, we can also check the issue directly,

    For that, we'd need a backend login to your site or a staging clone site, so we can check,

    Kind regards,


  •  1
    milenamarcellini replied

    Hi, unfortunately it doesn't help ..

    The guy who followed the site first made me delete that part just because it didn't work ..
    Yes ok to log in, will I leave you my credentials or set up a new account?
    A thousand thanks!!

  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •   milenamarcellini replied privately
  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Thanks for the login,

    I think the issue was that that Account page which was set as the WooCommerce My Account page was not Published, but it was a DRAFT.


    I published it, and I think it should be working now. The lost-password endpoint at https://www.winewas4.wethinkdigital.it/account-2/lost-password/ is working now.

    It may work only for new accounts though , but not older ones that were registered before this, I'm not sure.

    I registered an account now to test and the link given to me in the email is:


    Seems to work when I click it:


  •   milenamarcellini replied privately