Bestsellers, New Arrivals, Deals ands etc should also display normally. That's because the products are still regular WooCommerce products - the only thing that's different when using MarketKing is who the author/vendor of the product is.
Let me know if I can help with anything, or if you have any questions,
What are the best themes to work with Market King?
Can all Woocommerce-compatible themes be used with MarketKing?
Several themes display Bestsellers, New Arrivals, Deals and Ads on their MultiVendor Market website this possible using MarketKing?
Hi Michael,
Thank you for getting in touch,
The plugin will work with any WooCommerce-compatible theme. We've tested it with a few themes and you can find some suggestions here: , but we'd expect it to work with any WooCommerce theme.
Bestsellers, New Arrivals, Deals ands etc should also display normally. That's because the products are still regular WooCommerce products - the only thing that's different when using MarketKing is who the author/vendor of the product is.
Let me know if I can help with anything, or if you have any questions,
Kind regards,