  Public Ticket #3104849
Is this possible


  • Kyzoe started the conversation


    Our customer has stacked discount based on the amount of bottles ordered Can we do the following.

    We have a price per bottle for b2b this price varies by the total amount bottles bought in a order.

    product 1
    tier 1: 1-10 bottles 10€
    tier 2: 11-20 bottle 9€
    tier 3: 20+ 8€


    tier 1:1-6 bottles 20€
    tier 2: 6-20 bottle 15€
    tier 3: 20+ 13€

    product 3
    tier 1:1-20 bottle: 25€
    tier 2:21+ bottles 19€

    So when a customer buys from product 1, he buys  6 bottles, from product 2 he buys 10 bottles and from product 3 he buys 10 bottles, then he should be charged for every bottle the price in tier 3 but the price can be different for every product. in this example: he buys 26 bottles

    he will pay:
    product 1 6x 8€
    product 2 10x 13€ tier 
    producr 3 10x 19€

    I hope i explained it right.  Please let me know.

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin!

    You explained that well,

    Some options:

    1) You can add this PHP code snippet to your site:

    add_filter('b2bking_tiered_pricing_uses_total_cart_qty', '__return_true');

    This can be added to functions.php or by using a snippets plugin.

    What this does is that it uses the TOTAL QUANTITY of products in cart to give tiered pricing. So for example, for product 1, if the total number of products in cart is 17, the plugin will give tier 2 (11-20 bottles) = 9 EUR

    2) Or you don't want to use total cart quantity? you want to use the total quantity of a group of products? (like total quantity products 1 + 2 + 3?) For that, you would need to configure some custom code snippets for each group - I can give more details.

    Kind regards,
