  Public Ticket #3126398
Earning not reflect in sales agent dashboard


  • Subhash started the conversation

    Yesterday i purchase sales king plugin

    Item ID : 33154631

    all setup are ok but plugin not working....

    product purchase by agents link but earning not reflect in agents dashboard

    Please See this scree rec video👇


    Please give me solution what we do ?

  •  1,881
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin!

    I watched your video - the configuration seems correct - I am not sure also what the problem there is. I wonder if it could be some kind of plugin conflict at some point during when the order is processed.

    Can you please share a backend login to your staging site with us? 

    I would like to look into it directly and get this resolved for you as soon as possible.

    Kind regards,


  •   Subhash replied privately
  •  1,881
    WebWizards replied

    Thank you for the login,

    2) From what I can see this is a caching problem - WP Rocket caches the dashboard and the even though the user is logged out, the dashboard is still shown.

    I have excluded the dashboard in WP Rocket settings: https://staging.shabasguruji.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wprocket#advanced_cache

    It seems resolved in my tests now, but let me know if you still see any issues,

    1) I placed a test order now, and I can see it for the user Akshaybade = 20%


    I also see it for the user Swati Bade:


    About the calculation, I want to give you more details about how it works:

    A)599 order total  => 490.98 without tax

    20%* 490.98 = 98.20 for the user akshaybade

    B) 20%*98.20 for the parent user swati bade = 19.64

    "sometimes commission not reflected in agent dashboard..."

    When you set the link with ?affid, this will set a cookie in the browser named 'salesking_affiliate_cookie'.

    But sometimes I am testing and this is not set for some reason - I am not sure why - maybe because of caching as well.

    I will try to test this further and get back to you.