  Public Ticket #3134280
cart subtotal gets wholesale regular price not sale price


  •  21
    qtwrk555 started the conversation


    tested on WP 6.0.2 , Woo 6.9.4  + Storefront theme 

    the product regular price for normal user ,  wholesale user groups , are all 2 

    then regular user has sale at 1.8 ,  wholesale group 1 is 1.7 and group 2 is 1.6 

    on product page, it shows correct price 2 -> 1.7 ,   but when add item into cart , please check my screenshot  

    price: 1.7 ,  subtotal 2.0 

    please fix this 

    best regards,

  •  21
    qtwrk555 replied

    further test, if I remove sale price and directly set 1.7 on regular price, it works

  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •  21
    qtwrk555 replied


    thanks, actually I tried re-install the whole site again but in that case it just work right out of box 

    my guess is it must be something previously set up , was having trouble with b2bking then 

    curious that you reproduced on your end as well , but I will keep play around

    best regards,

  •  2,285
    WebWizards replied

    I saw there was a problem when the sale price was entered with decimals - it was working when entered as a whole number.

    Now it seems resolved in my tests, but please let me know if you still see any issues,

  •  1
    audfactory1 replied

    same same..... I will show my b2b users the retail price and the b2b price and percented price. for the b2b group I have a percent discount. On the productlist the prices looking wright. It shows the retail, b2b and the percented price. But in the cart the subtotal is the regular b2b price.

  •  2,285
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    I've created a separate ticket for this issue here: https://webwizards.ticksy.com/ticket/3135050

    Please see our reply there, thank you,

  • hanzosrl replied

    Same problem here, no similar cases are noted in documentation. Sale prices are a very common fields in woocommerce but no one time are mentioned in docu.
    This is really weird...