  Public Ticket #3139020
Vendor delivery areas


  •  3
    vtwigge1000 started the conversation


    Background: I have created a custom taxonomy with CPT UI that is a hierarchical dropdown of delivery areas and is registered to a product type. The structure is province > city. This allows my users to search and filter products based on delivery areas. Everything works as expected.

    Requirement: Is it possible to add an option on the vendor's settings page where the vendor can select their delivery areas? I have looked at the possible vendor group fields on the Marketking and B2BKing settings, but there is no option for a hierarchical type.

    Purpose: I want to access this field/taxonomy programmatically whenever the vendor uploads/updates products so that I can copy it over to each product's delivery area taxonomy.



  •  3
    vtwigge1000 replied

    After some research I believe this can be achieved using the ACF plugin. If you have any other/better suggestions please let me know.



  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Victor,

    The plugin doesn't have any built-in hierarchical type fields - so I guess any solution would be as good as any, whether it's built from scratch or using ACF etc.

    This kind of feature with a delivery area and product search by area is something we are interested as well in adding to the plugin as a default feature. It would be interesting to learn more about how you are implementing this. Or if you have any suggestions for how we could add this to the plugin, it would be very welcome,

    Kind regards,
