  Public Ticket #3151004
Dynamic rule for a shipping fee


  •  6
    Bosko Stulic started the conversation

    Good day,

    With B2B King do I have the option to make the Dynamic rule in which the shipping fee has a flat rate for specific locations (e.g. California and Washington)?

    Or if there is another way I can implement this, with the B2B King, that would be great.

    Thank you in advance for your swift reply.

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin!

    I am not sure if you need B2BKing for this. Normally in WooCommerce, you could configure this by using shipping zones.

    For example:

    In WooCommerce -> Settings -> Shipping you would create a Shipping zone for California, or for Washington, or both:


    In that zone, you can create a shipping method with a flat rate fee:


    So for example this gives you $25 flat rate for California:


    If you want to have different shipping fees for B2B / B2C, you can do the following: Create for example 2 flat rate options: $10 and $25, and then using B2BKing control which shipping methods are available for each group ( https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/how-to-enable-disable-payment-and-shipping-methods-based-on-users-or-groups/ ). So you could make $10 visible for B2C, and $25 visible for B2B.

    I hope this helps but please let me know your thoughts,

    Kind regards,


  •  6
    Bosko Stulic replied

    Hi Stefan,

    Thanks a lot for the feedback!

    Now, your input and this text were constructive:


    However, we could not implement the desired shipping costs for all users.

    For B2B it works fine, but for the Logged out users it does not.

    When we test the purchase we get this notification:

    "There are no shipping options available. Please ensure that your address has been entered correctly, or contact us if you need any help."

    We implemented the setup according to the support documentation text, but without the desired outcome.

    Please could you help us with this issue?

    Thanks in advance!

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Bosko,

    Regarding this error:

    "There are no shipping options available. Please ensure that your address has been entered correctly, or contact us if you need any help."

    Are you sure that the shipping zones themselves fit with the logged out user's address? One way you could check is by disabling B2BKing and seeing if the error persists (if it does, it might be a problem with the zone).

    I'm not quite sure what else it could be. I'd be happy to look into it directly and check the configuration if you'd like. For that, I would need a backend login to the site, or a staging clone site I can work on.

    Kind regards,


  •  6
    Bosko Stulic replied

    Hi Stefan,

    Thanks for the fast reply.

    Now, we executed an additional setup.

    And now, the logged-out users can get the shipping fees when they go to the Checkout, but logged-in B2B users can not.

    Please check out our setup, both in the WooCommerce and in the B2B KING.


    Here are your access parameters:

    user:B2B Support


    Thanks in advance!

  •  6
    Bosko Stulic replied

    Hi Stefan,

    Any update on our situation?

    What did u find when u logged in?

    Thanks for the swift reply in advance :)

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Bosko,

    Thank you for your patience on this,

    I checked your setup now. Your configuration of zones and shipping methods has an issue - I will try to explain. Your configuration is this:


    This can be unintuitive but WooCommerce matches a customer to a single shipping zone: the first zone which matches their address.

    When a logged in B2B user enters their address for Alabama for example, they are matched to the zone named "B2C Flat Rate" - because this is the first zone that matches. They are not matched to "Wholesale FLAT RATE 7%".

    In the "B2C Flat Rate" zone, B2B users have no shipping method, so you will get an error during checkout:


    So the zones cannot conflict with each other - you cannot have "Alabama" in 2 different zones.

    The solution would be to do this:

    For example:

    - You can have Zone 1: Arizona, Alabama, Arkansas

    - Inside Zone 1, you can have 2 shipping methods: FLAT RATE B2C, and FLAT RATE B2B. You will make them visible / invisible depending on the user

    So the zones must be the same for B2B and B2C users, only the shipping methods can be different.

    I hope that makes sense.

    I created an example to illustrate what the setup needs to be:


    Here we have a zone, with 2 different methods inside, 1 for B2C, and 1 for B2B.

    Kind regards,


  •  6
    Bosko Stulic replied

    Thanks a bunch, Stefan!

    I believe we have resolved the issue now.

    And that Woocommerce counterintuitive organization is really messed up :)

    Once again thanks!

  •  6
    Bosko Stulic replied

    But now we have a different issue.

    On our live site, we added two groups in the B2B group (B2B Users 7% shipping fee and B2B Users 12% shipping fee). And we control which product from this group can users see via Product Category Hide 4 B2B.

    And this works for the first group B2B Users 7% shipping fee, however, the second group B2B Users 12% shipping fee does not see any product.

    Thank you very much for the fast reply.

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Bosko,

    however, the second group B2B Users 12% shipping fee does not see any product.

    Does that second group have any categories or products that are enabled for the group?

    Since it's in the live site I can't check directly, but I think the problem might be that you created a new user group, and categories would be invisible by default to that group.

    To solve this, go to B2BKing -> Tools and use "All categories visible to the group B2B Users 12% shipping fee":


    Then, you can edit the "only for b2b", "hide for b2b" categories manually to enable / disable the B2B 12% group.

    Kind regards,


  •  6
    Bosko Stulic replied

    Hi Stefan,

    So, I managed to set up everything. Your inputs were very valuable.

    However, today after the Flatsome theme update, user's from the second group B2B 6% Shipping fee see only retail prices and not wholesale ones.

    Please help us with this issue.

    Thanks! :)

  •  6
    Bosko Stulic replied

    ps. here are the print screens.

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Bosko,

    Could you please check the following:

    -> First, do users in your second group have a special B2B price configured on the product page backend? 

    What I mean is that this feature only shows "Retail Price: $X, Wholesale Price: $Y" if the 2 prices are different. If the wholesale price is the same as the retail one (or is left empty), then it would be normal for nothing to show there.

    For example if you go to the site backend and edit "$12.50 COASTER SRP - STUDIO SELECTION", is there a special price configured for the 2nd group? if it's empty, that would explain it.

    -> If the above is not the issue, please check: does it help if you save / update the product? Does it help if you clear the cache? Is the price on the frontend wrong, but correct in CART (try to add the product to cart to check)?

    Would we be able to see this issue on the staging site we previously worked on?

    Kind regards,


  •  6
    Bosko Stulic replied


    U r a lifesaver!

    The first step resolved the issue, simply the B2B price for the B2B 6% group was not input.

    Firstly thanks for the fast reply, and secondly, thanks for the valuable input! :)

    ps. Why do u think that this was not an issue before the theme update?

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Glad to hear that worked : ) 

    The only reasons I can think of that this was not an issue before theme update:

    - Perhaps it was an issue but nobody noticed it

    - Perhaps you have a site cache / cache plugin that's misconfigured (and users in group 2 were seeing a cache, not a live page). If you have caching, make sure that each user has a unique individual cache - users cannot share the same cache. 

  •  6
    Bosko Stulic replied

    Hi Stefan,

    I hope that you are well.

    Could u pls tell me what this Additional capabilities mean?

    Thanks in advance.

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Bosko,

    This is a general Wordpress field for all users, it's not added by B2BKing directly.

    It just represents a list of Wordpress "user capabilities". These can be things like "publish_posts", or "manage_woocommerce", which would give access to specific features.

    In this case 'b2bking_role_145683' just means the user is part of the B2B group with ID 145683

    Kind regards,


  •  6
    Bosko Stulic replied

    Hi Stefan,

    Thanks for the fast reply. I appreciate it.

    Now, could u pls tell me if this email is associated with your support?


    Because we are still in the testing phase on the live site and we do not know where did this user come from.

    Thanks in advance!

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Bosko,

    I am not familiar with this email - it is not related to us,

    Let us know if we can help with anything.

    Have a nice day,

  •  6
    Bosko Stulic replied


    Thanks a lot for your swift reply.

    I really appreciate it! :)

    Have a nice day.

  •  6
    Bosko Stulic replied

    Hi Stefan,

    Long time no speak. LOL

    So, we have another question regarding the B2B King feature associated with the B2B buyer's account.

    Now, when the user clicks on the Purchase list, it automatically takes him to the Bulk order.

    How could we resolve this - so the user can create a Purchase list and not end up on the Bulk order page?

    Thanks in advance!

  •  6
    Bosko Stulic replied

    ps. After I deactivated the Bulk order from the Main Settings of the plugin, I lost New List button from the Purchase list section.

  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •  6
    Bosko Stulic replied

    Hi Stefan.

    I hope u had a nice weekend :)

    And once again thanks for the fast reply, I appreciate it.

    So, I have updated the plugin via regular updates on the WP admin section.

    But the issue persists.

    Which of the 2 plugins should I update with your plugin - B2BKing Core or B2BKing Pro?

    Also, I see the notification in the B2B King admin section that I am on the v4.1.83 - is that the latest version?

    Thanks in advance! :)

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Latest version is now 4.3.63, so you're a bit behind. 

    The PRO plugin will not show up in automatic updates unless you install and configure the Envato Market plugin: https://www.envato.com/market-plugin/

    You can either install the above plugin and update automatically, OR follow these steps for a manual update of B2BKing Pro:

    1. First deactivate your existing version of B2BKing Pro

    2. Upload and activate the attached version. (attached to previous message)

  •  6
    Bosko Stulic replied

    Good day!

    So, today I updated the B2BKing Core plugin.

    My B2BKing Pro plugin is Version 4.3.63.

    Do I have to update the B2BKing Pro plugin as well?

    Thanks in advance for your time.


    Boško from American Stonecraft team

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Bosko,

    Are you still experiencing the previous issue with the 'new list' button when creating purchase lists?

    I thought it would be solved in 4.3.63.

    There's no need to update Pro - although we did actually just publish a 4.4.00 update yesterday. In this latest version we actually added a built-in auto-updates feature. It is now possible to activate the plugin license and get automatic updates (without needing the envato market plugin as I suggested previously). More info at https://kingsplugins.com/licensing-faq/

    Kind regards,


  •  6
    Bosko Stulic replied

    Hi Stefan,

    Thanks for the fast reply.

    I appreciate it.

    No, we do not have any issues atm. Just wanted to update the plugin.

    Ok, then pls send me the plugin installation and I will update it manually and, if I understood u well, after that the updates will be from the WordPress Admin area?



  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •  6
    Bosko Stulic replied

    Stefan, you r the best!

    Thanks a lot for the fast feedback and concise input.

    I believe we will manage this easily.

    Have a great weekend ahead!



  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Thank you for the kind words! 

    Have a great weekend as well!