  Public Ticket #3180335
Vendor see customer phone number and email address. I need to hide from vendor.


  • Md Anamul Haque started the conversation

    Phone number hide from vendor. And classic shipping method need shipping charges for each vendor's product 

  • Md Anamul Haque replied

    Shipping method okay 👌 but I don't want to customer phone number and email with vendor 

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    Thank you for getting in touch!

    It is possible to hide the email and phone, so that vendors do not have access to the customer's contact details directly.

    To do this, you can add this PHP code snippet to the site:

    add_filter('marketking_vendors_see_customer_contact_info', '__return_false');

    A PHP snippet can be added to functions.php, or by following our guide here: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/how-to-add-a-snippet-php-or-js/

    Kind regards,
