  Public Ticket #3218040
Discounts over brands


  •  1
    Isay Gonzalez started the conversation


    Currently the website allows us, through an third party plugin, add brands for the products so our client ask us if there's a chance to apply the product discounts by Brands in B2B King settings.


  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Isay,

    I'm afraid this is not currently possible at the moment. 

    This is something we would like to add to the plugin soon: we are looking to add rules by tags, attributes and custom taxonomies like brands - this will be part of a major update to rules, but it is something for later this year. 

    Currently it is only possible to set these rules by category unfortunately - I think the solution may be to create 1 category for each brand.

    Kind regards,
