  Public Ticket #3231824
Vendors store not showing


  • Rehan started the conversation

    When vender click on "Go To My Store", it redirect to website homepage, not opening vendor store page.

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Rehan,

    Please make sure that you have a Stores page configured in MarketKing - Settings: https://prnt.sc/T6LeDVpYKZVF - please make sure that page is published and can be opened on the frontend.

    It may also be some kind of plugin conflict, I would suggest trying to deactivate all other site plugins to see if that can resolve it.

    I would also advise to use “Post name” in Settings -> Permalinks: https://prnt.sc/xNbYvY3U8hJ5

    Let me know if the above can help,
    Kind regards,