It seems that you are using a quite older version of the plugin. It would be important to upgrade to the latest version of B2BKing Pro. That is version 4.5.40 at the moment.
If you purchased B2BKing on CodeCanyon, you can download the latest version from there. Or you can update automatically, if you install and configure the Envato Market plugin:
I would advise to make a site backup before updating, as it seems the plugin has not been updated for several versions.
I need to translate or change the words that come out by default of:
Retail: PVP
Wholesale: Coste
Hello Samuel,
To do this, please go to B2BKing -> Settings -> Language & Text. The names can be changed here:
Have a good weekend,
I only see this options
Attached files: Captura de Pantalla 2023-03-18 a las 7.54.13.png
Hi there,
It seems that you are using a quite older version of the plugin. It would be important to upgrade to the latest version of B2BKing Pro. That is version 4.5.40 at the moment.
If you purchased B2BKing on CodeCanyon, you can download the latest version from there. Or you can update automatically, if you install and configure the Envato Market plugin:
I would advise to make a site backup before updating, as it seems the plugin has not been updated for several versions.
Kind regards,