  Public Ticket #3337109


  •  2
    Mauro started the conversation


    When i make an offer and then add to cart the offer we got 2 issues:

    Issue number 1: It adds 1 product as total of all product

    Issu number 2: Shipping class is not picked up for "more expensive shipping class of product list"

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Mauro,

    1) This is quite fundamental to how the offers feature works unfortunately - it uses a single product. We tried to do various adjustments to make this work: for example even though it is a single product, the plugin will automatically adjust stock values for all products inside the offer. 

    2) It is possible to set a general shipping class for all offers if that would help.

    Other than that, it is possible to set a shipping cost as part of the offer pricing directly:


    Kind regards,


  •  2
    Mauro replied

    Shipping cost as product need to be a live product on the shop? If yes, is unusable..

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    No, the shipping cost there is a dropdown option (you can find it at the bottom of the dropdown or by searching for 'shipping' there) only that adds a cost to the offer - it does not need to be a site product.

  •  2
    Mauro replied

    It is very important do add the possibility to write an empty custom option, not only "shipping cost". Is  there any way to add more lables in custom options? this will solve tons of problems to all B2B King users.

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    You can also enter custom options!

    To do that, please go to B2BKing -> Settings -> Other and deactivate the following setting:


    After doing that, you will see a text box instead of a product dropdown when you create / edit an offer. You can enter anything you want in the text box. If you want to link a specific product, you can write "product_123" in the text box, where 123 is the ID of the product / variation.