  Public Ticket #3339818
Vendor Shipping Rate error


  •  2
    Avinav started the conversation

    Hi, there is an error in shipping rates. When I'm adding custom shipping rate in vendor portal. But while purchasing only admin rates are showing while purchasing.

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Avinav,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us!

    I tested but this is not something I am able to see. When a vendor configures a shipping rate, I see that rate shows on the frontend.

    Regarding admin rates, please note that rates configured by the admin show for all vendors by default. This is a built-in way for the admin to force vendors to accept certain shipping methods. 

    If you want some methods to be only for admin products, this can be configured via MarketKing -> Settings -> Vendor Capabilities: https://prnt.sc/lREXLeuOuhuE

    This may not be in the demo yet as it's a newer feature.

    Kind regards,


  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Avinav,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us!

    I tested but this is not something I am able to see. When a vendor configures a shipping rate, I see that rate shows on the frontend.

    Regarding admin rates, please note that rates configured by the admin show for all vendors by default. This is a built-in way for the admin to force vendors to accept certain shipping methods. 

    If you want some methods to be only for admin products, this can be configured via MarketKing -> Settings -> Vendor Capabilities: https://prnt.sc/lREXLeuOuhuE

    This may not be in the demo yet as it's a newer feature.

    Kind regards,


  •  2
    Avinav replied

    Thanks got it