  Public Ticket #3340210
Hide Navigation Menus for certain Groups


  •  3
    Mike started the conversation

    I have a group who can see and order from all but one category, "SPRAY TAN TURBINE SYSTEMS" . I have another group who can only see and order from  "SPRAY TAN TURBINE SYSTEMS" .

    Is there any way to hide certain navigation tabs based on the group the user belongs to?

  •  2,285
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Mike,

    To do that, I would advise to apply some group-specific CSS. We have an article here with information: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/shortcode-to-restrict-content-to-b2b-b2c-user-groups-specific-users/

    For example,

    .b2bking_b2b_group_123 #menu_item-987{

    This would help hide that menu item (with the ID menu_item-987) for the user group with the ID 123.

    To get a group's ID, go to B2BKing -> Groups in the backend and click on the group (the number in the URL such as ?post=123 is the ID).

    Another thing you can try is to simply go to B2BKing -> Settings -> Other and enable "Product Visibility Cache". This sometimes can work to automatically hide categories even in navigation bars, but it depends on the site, theme and other factors. It doesn't always work.

    Kind regards,
