  Public Ticket #3341886
Product Tags


  •  1
    Warren Laveniuk started the conversation

    How do I allow users to add their own product tags?

  •  2,167
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Warren,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin,

    Vendors can add existing categories or tags to their products, but there's currently no way for vendors to create their own categories or tags.

    Can you give us more info about what you are trying to accomplish or what the goal is? Perhaps there is an alternative solution or another existing mechanism that could help,

    Kind regards,


  •  1
    Warren Laveniuk replied

    The goal would be for users to be able create tag's so that other users can search tags.


    Or am I thinking completely wrong on what a Tag is used for?

    What is the purpose of a tag?

  •  2,167
    WebWizards replied

    I guess tags are just a way to help organize the marketplace - sure, they could have a role in search as well.

    The way we thought about it was that only the admin should be able to create tags (via the website backend in the Products -> Tags area), as vendors may otherwise try to game the system rather than organize the marketplace (e.g. add tags like "best x product", "best x item" ).

    We could consider allowing vendors to add their own. In that case, I think a change would be needed to our system to set a limit of tags, e.g. max 5, so that vendors would need to be careful about what they choose.

    We will consider it for future updates,