  Public Ticket #3343236
Free shipping


  •  2
    Mauro started the conversation


    For web stores is very very important to have a possibility to make free shipping coupon code, tracked into the agent system, just as the standard discount coupon works.

    Is there any way to have this? I really need it.

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Mauro,

    Are you looking for agents to have a checkbox that enables coupon free shipping, here when creating a coupon?:


    Please check my screenshot and let me know if that would solve it, to add such a checkbox there.

    There is currently no feature for it, but we can look if it's possible to add that.

    Kind regards,


  •  2
    Mauro replied

    Hi Stefan

    Yes, that could be great.

    This kind of coupon should be a included in sales king.

    One more thing, i’m going to translate in italian all atrings of sales king, but Loco Translate, for sales king says that configuration is not complete. I did’t had this issue with B2B king.


  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •  2
    Mauro replied

    i think the file is wrong "update checker". I need italian.


    As per the FREE SHIPPING, thank you, this was what we need.

    Just one thing, after a free shipping coupon creation, there is no evidence of it in the coupon info. It should show it.


  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •  2
    Mauro replied


    I've just downloaded the new vrsion and i'm going to install it.

    One thing, is there any way to duplicate offers?

    For similar offers duplicate button is very important to save a lot of time.


  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    It's an interesting idea to add a 'duplicate offer' button for quick offer creation. Thank you for the feedback.

    It is currently not possible but we will consider this for future updates,

  •  2
    Mauro replied


    This is what i see after creating an offer and saved it as draft. Before clicking "save as draft" everithing was normal.


  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied


    I tried checking that on your site but I do not see that. I also tried creating a new test offer and saving it as draft but I always see it like this:


    Are you still seeing that issue?

    If so, what browser are you using and what operating system? Thank you.